Health Articles

Algae could help acne sufferers
Posted by Naturopath . onFourteen-year-old Jordan Watt was devastated when he developed severe acne around a year ago. Over-the-counter preparations did little to rid him of the painful spots covering his cheeks, chin and forehead. Today, though, the Coventry teenager's skin is virtually clear, thanks to a blue-green algae found in tropical swamps. Mixed...

Foods for healthy weight loss
Posted by Naturopath . onProtein helps weight loss Protein helps your body build new cells. Amino acids, the building blocks we require from protein, are not stored in your body, so you need to eat some protein every day, ideally at every meal. Protein also increases your brain’s levels of ghrelin, the hunger hormone...

Foods your organs crave for
Posted by Naturopath . onEach organ is a complex energetic system encompassing not only its anatomical entity, but correlated to an emotion, tissue, sense organ, mental faculty, colour, climate, taste, smell and more. These are called 'internal organ correspondences'. If you are craving a particular food item, it tells you which organ you are...
- Tags: Australian Spirulina, Barley Grass, Blue green algae, Chlorella, dietary supplement, Energy, Essential fatty acids, Green drinks, Green superfood, health, lean abs, Marine algae, Natural multivitamin, Natures richest, Naturopaths recommend, Organic, protein, Raw, Shakes Protein shakes, Smoothies, Sprirulina, superfood, supergreens, Synergy Natural, vegan, Vegetable protein, vegetarians, weight loss, Weight management, Wheat Grass, wholefoods

Posted by Carolyn Lees onCan Chlorella consumption improve cholesterol levels? A new study recently published in Nutrition Journal examined the effect of Chlorella supplementation on elevated cholesterol levels, a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). The double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial was designed to test whether the daily intake of Chlorella can improve cholesterol levels by enhancing...