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Posted by Naturopath . on

It is that time of year when we are more likely to be tempted to reach for comfort foods and most certainly up our calorie intake as winter sets in.

Healthy habit 101 …stock up with healthy home made snacks and treats. I am personally a huge fan of fresh raw organic veggies cut into bite sized pieces ready to dip into homemade hummus. The wonderful thing about hummus is you can tweak the basic recipe to suit your palate and health needs. Mix it up!

I welcomed winter with a majestic trail race through some of North Sydney’s most spectacular vegetation, majestic surrounds, rocky tracks and lush fire trails, an incredible experience and workout. My post race appetite continued all day post recovery shake, post lunch into the afternoon. Wanting to stay clean with my snack I decided a fresh batch of hummus was in order. After considering my bodies recovery needs I came up with this anti inflammatory post race hummus recipe.

“If you master only one herb in your life, master cayenne pepper. It is more powerful than any other.” – Dr. Schulze

mmm post race winter hummus


  • 300 grams organic chick peas pre soaked and cooked
  • 1 large organic carrot
  • 1 lemon juiced
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 – 1 tsp cumin
  • 1/2 tsp ground coriander
  • 1 level tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 tablespoon Olive Oil (Optional)
  • Cracked pepper to taste
  • 3 heaped table spoons unhealed organic tahini
  • Dash of Olive oil and paprika to garnish

Method :

  1. Place ingredients into blender
  2. Blend to desired consistency
  3. Garnish with olive oil and paprika

* Hummus is also great as a side condiment to your meal! A delicious dollop with my eggs, kale, avocado sun flour sprouts, seeds and tomatoes completed my meal.

Discover the incredible benefits of Cayenne Pepper, it is suggested Cayenne pepper can amongst other things:

  • help relieve anxiety and increase your endorphins to the brain!
  • reduce inflammation (excellent for athletes!)
  • aid digestion
  • aid cold and flu prevention


16_6848 (2)Kerrie Otto de Grancy – Micro Miracles Matter

Kerrie Otto de Grancy is an elite athlete, founder of Micro Miracles Matter and a super mum to 2 amazing children. With a background in fashion design, Kerrie started Micro Miracles Matter to start raising awareness and securing support for blood donations as a result of almost losing her first born, Bella who was born prematurely. Kerrie is driven to make a difference in the world. When she’s not running her own business, Kerrie is dedicated to running in the wide open spaces…she is on on the Australian Ultra running team, holds 3 Australian records and is ranked number one all time fastest Australian Female in the 50 mile road. .Kerrie is living proof that anybody can make a difference and live a happy, healthy life with the right attitude, nutrition and exercise regime…if it’s important to you you’ll find a way.

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